How to Launch Your First Business


There are tens of millions of small businesses across the world, but not all are positioned for success. If you're thinking, "How can I start my own business?," then you most likely have a business idea that you're ready to take on but something tells  me that if you’re reading this, unsure on how to begin.

Having a great business idea is one thing. Turning it into a success is an entirely different battle. Are you sure you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur?

In the sea of advice on how to start and grow your business, let's focus on a few often neglected but incredibly important details.

Find Something You Are Passionate About

"Follow your passion!" You must have heard that one before. Well, unless you're sure about what that is, those words can sting rather than encourage.

You might be passionate about making cupcakes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should open a pastry shop. The first step in applying this rule is to discern between profitable passions and hobbies.

It can be a fun exploration, but one also filled with self-doubt. Don’t get discouraged if your body goes into mutiny mode and begins rejecting the idea. You might feel an overpowering resistance when seeking to turn your passion into a career but don't let those sabotaging voices win. They're there due to years of conditioning, and many times they’ve been there to keep you safe. Start with baby steps to overcome overwhelm. And remember, that you are only dating your ideas as a way to break free from feelings of doubt.

How to Launch Your Business

How to Launch Your First Business

Figure Out the Problem You’re Solving

If you want to optimize your decision-making skills, then you need to know how to recognize the real problem in any situation first. This is a common dilemma when you’re in a position of leadership.

You can spend time designing and implementing a solution, only to discover that this “solution” could cause even more problems. So, how can you ensure that you’re focusing on the right problem?

First, don’t let yourself be distracted by large amounts of data. Know that gathering data is different than taking the time to analyze it. Widen your focus and dive below the surface to see what the figures really mean. This will help you understand multiple perspectives and understand the system behind the problem.

A) Talk to Someone

It might feel like what you're experiencing is insurmountable. And asking for help sometimes is the most challenging thing to do. But do reach out to those closest to you - a coach/counselor, friend, or family member.

Even simply choosing to be a bit more sociable with your coworkers can have a positive effect if you're experiencing job burnout. Conversely, limiting contact with people who bring negative energy to your life can help as well.

How to Launch Your First Business

How to Launch Your First Business

Check Out Reddit

Reddit is one of the most underutilized platforms for business. It combines aspects of social media and a message board system that drives controversial and powerful conversation. In fact, Reddit is usually the place where someone most often has asked the same question you're asking, and someone else has already provided a valuable answer.

As an up-and-coming business owner, you’ll find conversations on relevant topics such as tax preparation, online sales, and even articles on why networking is important for a business.

How to Launch Your First Business

How to Launch Your First Business

If you're wondering, "What is the first step to grow my business abroad?” there’s no place better than Reddit to find an answer.

Get a Coach

Let’s face it – starting a new business is overwhelming and scary. If you’re in it alone, you might have second thoughts and give up on the dream. Let someone hold your hand, be your thought partner and cheerleader.

How to Launch Your First Business

How to Launch Your First Business

A friend might be supportive, but they probably don’t have the knowledge you need to succeed. The support of a Business or Career Coach is a solution that can make all the difference. If they are a performance coach, too, or have skills in life coaching, this is even better.

By getting a coach, you can save time and money by receiving knowledge that can help you learn from other people's mistakes before you make your own. Also, you’ll learn valuable tips on everything such as the importance of slow and sustainable growth to how to successfully market to your ideal clients.

Feeling Nervous – Do It Anyway

Waiting for “the right time” to do something is the common pitfall of life. The truth is that there is rarely a “right time” for anything. The longer you wait, the more nervous about starting you may get.

Sometimes in life, you need to take a deep breath and take a step into the unknown. Starting your first business, regardless of your experience, will be a path filled with unexpected events.

But don’t let that scare you. Do it, and with some luck and guidance, you’ll be a proud business owner sooner rather than later.

If you’re still not sure where to start with launching your business, I can help. Schedule your free strategy session now.