Mastering Your Quarterly Goals


Spend some time with these questions when reflecting on the last quarter and setting new quarterly goals.

Beyonce your way into this new quarter!

1. What should I start?

What new habits, skills, adventures, or ventures do you want to begin? Remember you can always start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can. You don't have to be great, you just have to start. Don't hope for it; don't plan it. Get it started.  

Setting Quarterly Goals

2. What should I stop?

What's been keeping you stuck? Think about the things that kept you playing small--the bad habits, the negative thinking. It may be a matter of giving up something that isn't working to free yourself up for another option that might serve you better. Don't worry about failure or what you have to lose but focus on what you have to gain.

Setting Quarterly Goals

3. What should I do more of?

Sometimes it's exactly right to want more: More laughter, more love, more fun, more happiness, more family, more good times, more adventures, more playtime. More learning. More peace, more understanding, more forgiveness. Think of what worked for you and nourished you this year and how you made it happen.

Setting Quarterly Goals

4. What should I do less of?

What did you have too much of? You may want to give yourself less negativity, less fear, less busy-ness, less overscheduling, less overthinking, less stress, less anxiety, less lack of sleep. (You get the point.) Remember, the more of the bad stuff you let go of the more room you're clearing out for the good.

Setting Quarterly Goals

5. What should I continue?

Maybe it's something that's working that you want to make a habit of. Maybe it's an area where you haven't yet found success and you need to keep seeking. Success comes when you continue to do the things that work and continue to learn the things you don't know.

Setting Quarterly Goals

6.  What should I be grateful for? 

It's so easy to get busy and caught up in the day-to-day that we forget to take the time to say "thank you." Or "That's wonderful" or "How beautiful" or "Wow." When you express gratitude you notice that you have enough; you connect with all the ways you're wealthy--whether it's financially or being rich in love and friends and good colleagues, personal gifts like intelligence and talent, even having food on the table and a roof overhead. Finding time to reflect on gratitude is one of the most powerful practices you can begin.

Setting Quarterly Goals

For help answering these questions or putting them into action, sign up for a free consultation here!