Facts About Great Managers


We all know that great managers are, unfortunately, rare. However, that doesn't mean that management talents don't exist in almost every company.

A great manager can make all the difference in productivity, inclusion, and employee retention. Let's take a look at what all exceptional managers have in common.

1. They Are Fully Self-Aware

Some people think they’re excellent managers because they feel self-important and sure of themselves.

While all great managers are confident and self-assured, they don’t let their egos get in the way. They are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Facts About Great Managers

2. They Listen and See People

What is the secret of managers that connect well with others in the workplace? They actively listen before they speak, and they can see deeper into what may be troubling the staff member. Some managers spend a lot of time talking to staff but don't actually listen to them.

The same applies to seeing and recognizing people in their team. A capable manager sees the people around them for who they are. They know who responds well to recognition and when to reward a team effort.

Facts About Great Managers

3. They Engage With Staff

A big red flag in management is if there is no communication with employees. Good managers make it their mission to leave the safe haven of their office, walk around, interact with others, and observe team collaboration.

Those with exceptional leadership qualities do this, even when discussing issues outside of the current project. The lines of communication are always open and they welcome all types of questions. An exceptional job is done when staff is ensured that their job will not be on the line for voicing their opinions. 

Facts About Great Managers

4. They Encourage Autonomy

For most employees, micromanagement is the primary obstacle to their development. For managers, it can be challenging to let go of the idea of controlling everything.

The staff’s capabilities can go far beyond with a positive and attentive environment. If you want to be an effective manager, you need to instill beliefs and put a lot of confidence in the people around you. There is no room for micromanagement.

Your team should have the autonomy to make decisions, and it's your job to give them the necessary tools for success.

Facts About Great Managers

5. They Are Problem-Solving Oriented

When faced with a problem, an impressive manager doesn't waver but becomes motivated. They see a challenging task and go into problem-solving mode.

It's not about fixing the symptoms and moving on, either. Great managers are always looking for the root cause of the problem and trying to find a fresh perspective on how to change things.

Facts About Great Managers

Some Great Managers Are Born, Others Are Made

There are natural-born managers and those who might never fit into the category of great managers.

The kind of managers you want in your organization all have traits listed in this article, but they have other qualities as well.

A great manager should have a sense of humor, be flexible, and have imagination. On top of everything, they should be courageous, respectful, and not hesitate when decisions need to be made.

Facts About Great Managers

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